ASL Education
For active learning and inclusive teaching
Active Learning
We believe that successful school improvement requires innovative teaching and leadership strategies that motivate students.
Arguably, students who are motivated are most likely to reach their full potential inside and outside school. Active learning is a proven teaching strategy that increases student motivation and self-determination. A curriculum that makes use of active learning will acknowledge that students are more than passive listeners and will actively involve them in every step of the learning process.
In today's education climate there is a great focus on results and while active learning will help students to achieve academically, it also equips them with metacognitive awareness and skills along the way. Learning then becomes a truly process-orientated experience giving students ownership of their learning and the opportunity to take it to the next level. Students will think about what they do in class and why they do it and which skills they can utilise to tackle problems.
Articles on active learning
A summary of some key principles of active learning in education
Guardian Article on the importance of creative opportunities for learning
How to improve lessons to 'outstanding' judgements through student engagement
Selected Academic research on active learning
This is a small selection of current research into active learning but a good starting point if you want to find out more
Bell, B and Kozlowski S., 2008. Active Learning: Effects of core training design elements onself-regulatory processes, learning, and adaptability. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93 (2), pp. 296–316
Bonwell, C.C, and Eison. J.A., 1991. Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom. (ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report No. 1, 1991) Washington.: George Washington University Clearinghouse on Higher Education
Faust, J.L. and Paulson, D.R., 1998. Active learning in the college classroom. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 9 (2), pp. 3-24
Felder, R.M. and Brent, R., 2007. Cooperative Learning. In: Mabrouk, P.A., Acive Learning: Models for the Analytical Sciences. Washington: American Chemical Society
Martlew, J., Stephen, C. and Ellis, J., 2012. Teacher and child talk in active learningand whole-class contexts: some implications for children from economically less advantaged home backgrounds. Literacy 44 (1), pp. 12-19